
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

33 Week Update

Just got back from my doctor's appt - all looks good thus far!! I am still contracting a little bit - and I am a little more dilated (1 1/2cm) but nothing that my doctor was too concerned with. So no hospital visit and no monitors today!! WHO HOO!! Doc wants a fetal monitoring system set up at home - that is still in the works - if our insurance will pay for it... Honestly would rather not have that pesky thing - ughh I am over the MONITORS big time - but of COURSE we will do what's best for the girls :)
SO all around good visit - we will have another doctors appt next Wednesday morning and every following Wednesday from here on out...

We will keep everyone posted on our progress - today was huge sigh of relief!!! YAY!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

A Little Scare...

Well ok for those of you who have not heard the latest on these precious baby girls - we had a little bit of a scare this past week - All is ok for now - but here is the run down / full story...

This Wednesday, Sept 21 I had a regular doctors appt and ultrasound - ultrasound was first went great - girls are a great size - Madelyn - Baby A weighing in at 4.6lbs and Taylor - Baby B weighing in at 4.9 lbs a 3% weight difference - phenomenal considering these babies are already in the 32+weeks of pregnancy. I had let my doctor know that i was having a little bit of pressure and some braxton hick contractions - nothing out of the norm - I thought... so he decided to check me out and found out that i was a fingertip dilated - something i guess he was not comfortable with considering i was 32 weeks prego... SO we got all hooked up to the fetal monitors and low and behold I was having regular contractions - great... Doc told me to immediately go over to the hospital to  labor and delivery for further tests and to get some shots to stop these pesky contractions... WHAT?! I was totally freaking out...

Once at the hospital we got all hooked up again to the fetal monitors, got my IV and got the shot which was supposed to stop the contractions.. it didn't... they gave me three doses and it did nothing....SO on to plan B... Magnesium Sulfate (aka Mag) At first nothing - the mag wasn't working either... after increasing the mag twice and doubling my dosage FINALLY it started to work. I was at the hospital for 4 days and by day 3 the contractions were spacing out.. thank the lord!!! Doc went ahead and administered steroids to pump up the girls lungs to help accelerate their lung development just in case they still want to come early - so that was a little bit of relief... also from what we've heard from several sources is that it seems that girls seem to develop faster in the womb so thank god that is also on our side...

Saturday, I was released and very VERY ready to come home... Now I sit here (literally) on strict bed rest for the remainder of this pregnancy... very lucky not to have preemie babies right now but i feel completely useless.  Brad and my mom have totally stepped up to the plate and have been my heroes through this whole process. I have will now have weekly doctors appt  and have my next doc app scheduled for this Wednesday, Sept 28th - hopefully the girls are behaving and we won't have to go back to the hospital just yet.

We will keep you all posted on our progress - just praying we can keep these contractions at bay and not see these little girls for a few more weeks.  Thanks to everyone for you prayers and support - it has meant more to us then you will know :)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

28 Week Update

Hello folks! Just posting another monthly update!!

It's official I've made it to the Third Trimester!!! I am currently 28 weeks and 2 days and everything is still going great! I had another ultrasound and doc appt today, Madelyn is measuring at 3lbs and Taylor at 2.12 lbs :) big healthy girls!! Doc appt went great, there were no new issues to report.  My ultrasound showed that the girls are getting big and a little cramped,  Baby A, Madelyn, is vertex (head down) and Baby B, Taylor, is transverse (sideways) no biggy though since these will be beautiful C-section babies!  I will now start seeing my OB every two weeks and still have ultrasounds every 4 weeks :) Other then that all looks good and doc thinks thus far I am having a picture perfect twin pregnacy - knock on wood right now!!!

I joined the local Mom's of Multiples club out here (NWHMOM) and went to my first meeting last week! Def seems like my kind of crowd :)  They are going to be such a good resource and support system - and i am very much looking forward to becoming more involved with this group of fabulous mommas!!

Brad and I are getting the nursery finished this weekend YAY!! I am so excited to see it all come together :)  It will be a little bittersweet to be painting it from blue to pink but at this point I just want it finished!! I will post pics once it's complete!

instead of going back to work, I took the rest of the day off and I ain't gonna lie, it feels pretty nice!! Aidan's at school, Brad's at work - and i have the whole day and house to myself!! Something that is becoming more and more rare these days and may become completely obsolete here in the coming months - so I am being selfish and fully enjoying it today!!!

That's it for now!! More to come later on when we get the nursery finished - I will post some pics :)!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

24 Weeks!

Ok so I haven't posted in a while so thought I'd drop by and give a quick update!

Everything is going great babies are looking good - they are growing FAST and so is their mommy... Madelyn (Baby A) is measuring in at a whopping 1lb 11oz and and Taylor (Baby B) is measuring in at 1lb 9oz so girls are basically about a 5% weight difference which doc thinks is great! Whew! I will see the doc in about 4 more weeks and from there we may start going every two weeks - that is still TBD :) I may try and muster up some prego pics of my tummy... but in the meantime here are some pics of the girls - from 12 - 20 weeks :) their 24 week ultrasounds were no bueno :(

The girls at 12 weeks B - Taylor on the left - A - Madelyn on the right - soo tiny!!

16 weeks - it's confirmed - TWO GIRLS!!!!!!

16 weeks - my beautiful little skeleton babies!

16 weeks - Baby B - Taylor - she's much more photogenic - Madelyn is kind of camera shy :(

 The girls at 20 weeks - growing growing growing!!

20 weeks - Baby B - Taylor in 4D -she LOVEs the camera :) Daddy is in troouble!!!!

I wish we could of gotten some good 24 week pics  - but hopefully at 28 weeks we can get some really good 4D ones!! Ultrasound tech said that is the best time to get 4Ds of twins - so we will see!! The rest of the troop is doing great!! Brad started his new job downtown at Chase Tower and is loving it!! Aidan is in the middle of potty training - ughh - gotta love boys... and I am getting bigger by the day - gained 20lbs already :( doc wants me to gain at least 40 so i am a little half way there... don't think it's going to be too hard for me though :)

That's about it - More to come in 4 weeks!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

And the Trimble Twins Names are...

So after much deliberation and going back and forth we finally have decided on names for our baby girls...

Baby A: Madelyn Elizabeth

Baby B: Taylor Jacquelyn

First names are just names we like and the middle names are after both Brad and I's maternal grandmothers. We incorporated the "Lyn" in both the girls names as Lynn is both mine and my mom's middle name and Brad's Mom's first name!!  Lots of thought went into this and we are SO GLAD TO BE DONE!! On to the next challenge...the nursery!!!

As for Brad and I we are doing wonderful!! Brad recently accepted an offer with Hines (a Real Estate Firm) and will be an Assistant Property Manager at Chase Tower downtown! We are beyond thrilled and I am so so so so so PROUD of him!! His first day is July 5th so wish him luck!!!  It's been an amazing and STRESSFUL past month for us & this promotion for Brad has been a complete blessing from God - guess he knew all along we were going to be OK :) So this does mean we will be staying put for now - no moving to Pearland and Brad will be leaving Lowes - his last day with them is June 30th, it will be bittersweet but we know bigger and better things are on the horizon for us we couldn't be more excited!!!

We have our next doctors appointment next Wednesday, July 29th.  It will be our 20 week appt so another ultrasound so we can see our beautiful baby girls!!! We have come to realize that every doctors appt we get an ultrasound so that is soo totally cool!! How did I get by not seeing Aidan in womb every month?! Anyway, more to come on that and their progress next week!!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

And the Trimble Twins are....

GIRLS!!!!  Officially confirmed at our 16 week doctors appt this past Wednesday, June 1st. We are shocked, excited, SCARED (that would be Bradley) and still overwhelmed!!! But needless to say we are all adjusting quite nicely and we are slllloowly getting Aidan on board with the fact that he is going to have two sisters, not brothers - that is still a work in progress! Since they are the same gender well will have to wait until they are born to do the blood tests on them to see if in fact they are identical or not.  I just assumed with my rookie status into twindom that if they were in separate sacks that they would be fraternal but oh no, that is not the case - there are many crazy scenarios with identical twins so we will just have to wait to see what their blood types are.  If they have the same blood type then we will have to do a DNA test.

As I mentioned before both babies are in their owns sacks, each are measuring at exactly 6oz which is wonderful news.  I am eating like a cow and starting to look like one too :( but I just keep telling myself it is all for these beautiful baby girls.  I want them to be big healthy babies when they are born and lucky for them their momma does enjoy eating so it is a win win situation for all three of us! The girls are doing great wiggling all around - Baby A seems to be kind of the fiesty one - she likes to kick here poor twin sister in the head - yes we were witness to this at the ultrasound!! Poor Baby B... we hope this doesn't continue outside the womb!!!  All jokes aside the good news is all of their first trimester screening came back flawless.  They both tested negative for Downs Syndrome and all those other scary chromosomal diseases WHEW!!! So we just continue to monitor their growth and prey for the best!! Our next appoint is July 6th.

As for the rest of the troop we are doing great! We are actively pursuing getting Aidan potty trained now.  We gotta get him out of diapers before these baby girls come!! He is doing great though - we are up to about 2 to 3 times on the potty a day now - we seem to think the naked approach works the best and he's been great about using his little blue potty when we strip him down so we'll see... we have a good 4 months left - which leaves us a good chunk of time too so that helps!! As for Brad, he  received a promotion to work at the Lake Jackson Lowe's location and while this is a wonderful opportunity for him it would require us to move down south - not Lake Jackson but South Houston - probably the Pearland area, which lucky for us we already have great friends down there :)  He is also interviewing with another company, and if he gets this position we could stay put in Cypress, so either way we are very lucky to have two great job oportunities lined up for him - esp in this crappy economy!! Brad and I both knew after the "twin news" that we would have to make some sacrifices in order for us to continue to support our beautiful growing family!! So we will keep you posted as we know more!

I am still trying to figure out how to post pictures/videos on this blogger thing... I am slowly learning so bear with me!!! But here are some pics of Aidan,my precious baby boy, playing in his pool and some other funny ones for blackmail when he's older!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

13 Weeks everything is smooth sailing...

So we've reached the 13 week threshold!!! We are officially in the 2nd tri-mester - whew!!!! Some people say the 2nd trimester doesn't till 14 weeks so I don't know I always thought it was 13 weeks - whatever!! We had another ultrasound and doc visit last week (12 weeks) & babies look great wiggling all around and kicking.  It's still too early to tell  but it looks as though we could possibly have two baby GIRLS on the way!!! We won't know for sure until our 16 week appt - scheduled for June 1st - but that is what it seems to be so here we go!! More surprises to come :) Good news is we got all of our 1st trimester screening results back today and thank GOD all is ok with both babies!!!!! YAY!!!!! I have been worried sick - not sure why guess this whole "twins" thing has completely rocked my core so I am nervous about everything now!!!!!  I am getting more and more excited just scared of the unknown and still wondering how the hell Brad and I are going to pull off taking care of a toddler and 2 newborns!! But I trust that God knows that we can handle this..somehow... someway... you will see that I will be mentioning God a lot in these blogs... I have recently become a very strong believer (I know some of you are reading this are shocked but it's true!) only He has a funny enough sense of humor to give Brad and I twins, let alone twin baby girls if it so happens to be!!! More to come as we progress along.

P.S. Hell has frozen over - we bought a mini van two weeks ago... guess there's no backing out now!!!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Here We GO!

OK so I've never "blogged" before (but always wanted to) and now have good reason! For those of you who know us currently we are a family of 3, Brad, me (Shelby) and our precious 2 1/2 year old son Aidan. At the beginning of this year Brad and I were excited to announce that yes we were pregnant again. We had a doctors appt just to confirm everything on March 31sth and then on April 14th we had our very first ultrasound!! This is were it gets good...at the ultrasound we discovered we're expecting TWINS!! Yes that is correct and our reaction was quite comical.  Brad fell down and started laughing, I started hyperventilating- so needless to say this was VERY unexpected!!! Our doctor is pretty sure that these are fraternal twins although no confirmation's been made at this time. Having Fraternal twins (without any medical intervention) have odds of about 1 out of 90 (basically 1 % chance) so maybe we should go to Vegas before these little guys arrive!?  All kidding aside, after the sudden shock wore off we were able to listen to their heartbeats both are very strong and healthy - they look great, squiggling all around - happy little 9 1/2 week old fetuses! Here are some pics of our precious cargo!

Brad's overjoyed - i don't think I've ever seen him so excited or proud :) He's already looking at minivans online! To be completely honest, it's been an emotional couple days for me (probably from the double dip of hormones coursing through my body :) but I am slowly accepting this exciting news. :) I have to keep reminding myself that this is a true blessing from God, He would never give us something we couldn't handle.  Brad and I know there will be a lot of changes and scarifies that will need to be made but thank god we have some time to cross those bridges as they come.  SO for now we have put all worrying aside and at this point, as with all pregnancies, we just want HEALTHY BABIES!!!! We have our next appt/ultrasound on on May 4th :)

Thanks to all of you that have given us such positive support, god knows we are going to need it :) We will keep you all posted and give you updates as they progress.