
Sunday, September 25, 2011

A Little Scare...

Well ok for those of you who have not heard the latest on these precious baby girls - we had a little bit of a scare this past week - All is ok for now - but here is the run down / full story...

This Wednesday, Sept 21 I had a regular doctors appt and ultrasound - ultrasound was first went great - girls are a great size - Madelyn - Baby A weighing in at 4.6lbs and Taylor - Baby B weighing in at 4.9 lbs a 3% weight difference - phenomenal considering these babies are already in the 32+weeks of pregnancy. I had let my doctor know that i was having a little bit of pressure and some braxton hick contractions - nothing out of the norm - I thought... so he decided to check me out and found out that i was a fingertip dilated - something i guess he was not comfortable with considering i was 32 weeks prego... SO we got all hooked up to the fetal monitors and low and behold I was having regular contractions - great... Doc told me to immediately go over to the hospital to  labor and delivery for further tests and to get some shots to stop these pesky contractions... WHAT?! I was totally freaking out...

Once at the hospital we got all hooked up again to the fetal monitors, got my IV and got the shot which was supposed to stop the contractions.. it didn't... they gave me three doses and it did nothing....SO on to plan B... Magnesium Sulfate (aka Mag) At first nothing - the mag wasn't working either... after increasing the mag twice and doubling my dosage FINALLY it started to work. I was at the hospital for 4 days and by day 3 the contractions were spacing out.. thank the lord!!! Doc went ahead and administered steroids to pump up the girls lungs to help accelerate their lung development just in case they still want to come early - so that was a little bit of relief... also from what we've heard from several sources is that it seems that girls seem to develop faster in the womb so thank god that is also on our side...

Saturday, I was released and very VERY ready to come home... Now I sit here (literally) on strict bed rest for the remainder of this pregnancy... very lucky not to have preemie babies right now but i feel completely useless.  Brad and my mom have totally stepped up to the plate and have been my heroes through this whole process. I have will now have weekly doctors appt  and have my next doc app scheduled for this Wednesday, Sept 28th - hopefully the girls are behaving and we won't have to go back to the hospital just yet.

We will keep you all posted on our progress - just praying we can keep these contractions at bay and not see these little girls for a few more weeks.  Thanks to everyone for you prayers and support - it has meant more to us then you will know :)

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