
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Here We GO!

OK so I've never "blogged" before (but always wanted to) and now have good reason! For those of you who know us currently we are a family of 3, Brad, me (Shelby) and our precious 2 1/2 year old son Aidan. At the beginning of this year Brad and I were excited to announce that yes we were pregnant again. We had a doctors appt just to confirm everything on March 31sth and then on April 14th we had our very first ultrasound!! This is were it gets good...at the ultrasound we discovered we're expecting TWINS!! Yes that is correct and our reaction was quite comical.  Brad fell down and started laughing, I started hyperventilating- so needless to say this was VERY unexpected!!! Our doctor is pretty sure that these are fraternal twins although no confirmation's been made at this time. Having Fraternal twins (without any medical intervention) have odds of about 1 out of 90 (basically 1 % chance) so maybe we should go to Vegas before these little guys arrive!?  All kidding aside, after the sudden shock wore off we were able to listen to their heartbeats both are very strong and healthy - they look great, squiggling all around - happy little 9 1/2 week old fetuses! Here are some pics of our precious cargo!

Brad's overjoyed - i don't think I've ever seen him so excited or proud :) He's already looking at minivans online! To be completely honest, it's been an emotional couple days for me (probably from the double dip of hormones coursing through my body :) but I am slowly accepting this exciting news. :) I have to keep reminding myself that this is a true blessing from God, He would never give us something we couldn't handle.  Brad and I know there will be a lot of changes and scarifies that will need to be made but thank god we have some time to cross those bridges as they come.  SO for now we have put all worrying aside and at this point, as with all pregnancies, we just want HEALTHY BABIES!!!! We have our next appt/ultrasound on on May 4th :)

Thanks to all of you that have given us such positive support, god knows we are going to need it :) We will keep you all posted and give you updates as they progress.