
Saturday, June 4, 2011

And the Trimble Twins are....

GIRLS!!!!  Officially confirmed at our 16 week doctors appt this past Wednesday, June 1st. We are shocked, excited, SCARED (that would be Bradley) and still overwhelmed!!! But needless to say we are all adjusting quite nicely and we are slllloowly getting Aidan on board with the fact that he is going to have two sisters, not brothers - that is still a work in progress! Since they are the same gender well will have to wait until they are born to do the blood tests on them to see if in fact they are identical or not.  I just assumed with my rookie status into twindom that if they were in separate sacks that they would be fraternal but oh no, that is not the case - there are many crazy scenarios with identical twins so we will just have to wait to see what their blood types are.  If they have the same blood type then we will have to do a DNA test.

As I mentioned before both babies are in their owns sacks, each are measuring at exactly 6oz which is wonderful news.  I am eating like a cow and starting to look like one too :( but I just keep telling myself it is all for these beautiful baby girls.  I want them to be big healthy babies when they are born and lucky for them their momma does enjoy eating so it is a win win situation for all three of us! The girls are doing great wiggling all around - Baby A seems to be kind of the fiesty one - she likes to kick here poor twin sister in the head - yes we were witness to this at the ultrasound!! Poor Baby B... we hope this doesn't continue outside the womb!!!  All jokes aside the good news is all of their first trimester screening came back flawless.  They both tested negative for Downs Syndrome and all those other scary chromosomal diseases WHEW!!! So we just continue to monitor their growth and prey for the best!! Our next appoint is July 6th.

As for the rest of the troop we are doing great! We are actively pursuing getting Aidan potty trained now.  We gotta get him out of diapers before these baby girls come!! He is doing great though - we are up to about 2 to 3 times on the potty a day now - we seem to think the naked approach works the best and he's been great about using his little blue potty when we strip him down so we'll see... we have a good 4 months left - which leaves us a good chunk of time too so that helps!! As for Brad, he  received a promotion to work at the Lake Jackson Lowe's location and while this is a wonderful opportunity for him it would require us to move down south - not Lake Jackson but South Houston - probably the Pearland area, which lucky for us we already have great friends down there :)  He is also interviewing with another company, and if he gets this position we could stay put in Cypress, so either way we are very lucky to have two great job oportunities lined up for him - esp in this crappy economy!! Brad and I both knew after the "twin news" that we would have to make some sacrifices in order for us to continue to support our beautiful growing family!! So we will keep you posted as we know more!

I am still trying to figure out how to post pictures/videos on this blogger thing... I am slowly learning so bear with me!!! But here are some pics of Aidan,my precious baby boy, playing in his pool and some other funny ones for blackmail when he's older!!

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